Bahire Bhul Hanbe Jokhon Lyrics (বাহিরে ভুল হানবে যখন)
Bahire Bhul Hanbe Jokhon Lyrics in English Translation:
What will break the heart when you make a mistake outside?
Will you ask for your prasad at the end of burning poison?
If the sunburns, will it rain all over?
What is the color of the heart in the color of love?
Get as far as you can. Binding will not be so hard to pull the pain!
In the black cloud of pride, the clouds and the wind will take speed,
when the emotion of tears will obey any obstacle?
Bahire Bhul Hanbe Jokhon Lyrics in English:
Bāhirē bhula hānabē yakhana antarē bhula bhāṅabē ki?
Biṣāda biṣē jbalē śēṣē tōmāra prasāda bhāṅabē ki?
Raudrya dāha halē sārā nāmabē ki ōra barṣā dhārā?
Lājē rāṅā miṭalē hr̥daẏa prēmēra raṅē rāṅānō ki?
Yata'i yābē dūrēra pānē.
Bām̐dhana tata'i kaṭhina haẏē ṭānabē nā ki byathāra ṭānē!
Abhimānēra kālō mēghē bādala-hā'ōẏā lāgabē bēgē,
naẏana jalēra ābēga yakhana kōna bādhā mānabē ki?
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